Alsalamu Alaikum
Dear Ottawa Muslim Association Members,
We are happy to announce the start of the Elections for the upcoming board of 2022-2024. The elections will take place on May 29th, 2022. The election committee will be announced at the General Body Meeting (GBM) of The Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA). Finally, the cut-off for nominations will be on May 20th, 2022, at 4 pm. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming elections and GBM, please do not hesitate to email us.
Additionally, we would like to remind you about the second phase of the General Body Meeting (GBM) of The Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA), which will fall on Sunday, May 15th, @ 2 pm. Since the quorum for the previous meeting was not reached, this meeting will only require fifteen percent (15%) of all voting members as of December 31st, 2021, to be present. During this meeting, we will be presenting our annual President, Secretary, and Treasurer reports and updates from the trust and the other committees responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Association. Please check for more information, updates, and announcements.
Jazakum Allah Khair,
Mohammed Aswad
Secretary of the Board of Directors
Annual Reports 2022
Coming Soon